9 Secrets of an Online Business Owner Who Runs a Business Full Time and Makes $240K a Year

If you're an online business owner, there's a lot of pressure to make money right now. 

You might even feel like putting your life on the back burner to grow your business. 

But that's not true. When I first started my online business full-time in 2015, I made $240k in revenue that year and didn't neglect my personal life or health. Here's how.

Make money

1. Work From the House

Working from home can be a great way to stay productive and avoid distractions. You'll have the flexibility to work on your business whenever you want. 

You won't have to worry about spending money on gas or other expenses, such as office space or utilities. You also won't need to worry about dressing up for work since you can wear whatever you want.

If you decide to start a full-time online business, working from home is one of the best things because it allows you to make and save money while still spending time with friends and family.

Organize your business

2. Organize Your Day Like an Entrepreneur

The biggest difference between being a freelancer and being an entrepreneur is that as a freelancer, you wait for the phone to ring. 

As an entrepreneur, you are proactive in finding clients and making yourself available. 

You also work with your clients' schedules and budgets because they aren't going to work around yours.

As an online business owner who runs a business full-time and makes $240k per year, How to make your first $100k Online was the first business webinar I attended.

Time to focus

3. Block Out Time To Focus on Your Business

You can't do everything. That's a fact. And if you try, you'll end up doing nothing well. 

The best way to ensure your clients get the best possible service is to ensure their jobs don't take over your life.

To do this, set aside time every day (or at least several days per week) to work on your business, not just their jobs. 

This doesn't mean ignoring them completely: I still answer emails and phone calls during these blocks of time. 

This makes my clientele feels like they're still getting personal attention from me when they need it. 

However, those interactions are short because I'm focusing on building my product line.

4. Set Goals and Work Toward Them Every Day

So, you've decided to set some goals. Good for you. But why is it important to set goals?

Well, the truth is that most people never reach their full potential because they don't know what their true passion is or what they truly want out of life. 

They go through life aimlessly, not knowing where their path will take them next. As a result, they're stuck in a place with no real direction or purpose in life.

If this sounds familiar and if it describes where you are right now (or even 5 years ago), then I have good news: setting goals can help change all of that.

But how do I set my business goals? And what should those goals be? 

5. Build a Team of Experts To Help You Succeed

You need someone to help you set goals, keep on track, and ensure you do things right. 

A good one can help keep your head on straight when things get tough and advise how to handle problems as they come up.

An accountant is also important. Without one, it's easy for small businesses (like yours) to lose track of their finances or make mistakes that cost them money in the long run. 

You may think having an accountant means spending more money than necessary but if this means saving yourself from potential disaster by catching errors before they happen? 

That's worth every penny.

A lawyer should be able to advise on any legal issues that arise when running a company like yours, which include everything from copyright infringement lawsuits against competitors.

6. Always Learn and Improve Yourself

As an online entrepreneur, you should always be learning new things. Strive to improve yourself every day and stay up-to-date on the latest trends, technology, and strategies that can help your business grow faster.

Just like any other business owner, you can make a fair share of mistakes over the years. 

But instead of letting those mistakes hold you back from growing your business as fast as possible (and making more money), you can learn from them to make better decisions in the future.

Ensure that you get feedback from your employees on what they think you could improve at work or how you could do things differently around the office so everyone is happy with their jobs.

7. Don’t Be Afraid To Do Things Yourself

Have a bit of pride in your ability to do things yourself and save money. Know that long-term success requires building a business that will last for years. 

Also, know that if you want something done right now, you can do it yourself.

8. Consider Future Growth and Sustainability

If you're a business owner, you can make money right now. It's as simple as that. 

You can't afford to spend too much time thinking about the future or what might happen if something goes wrong in your business. 

You have bills to pay.

However, it's also important for entrepreneurs to understand that making money right now is critical to planning for the long-term sustainability of their businesses.

9. Business Owners Can Be Successful

If you are a business owner and want to be successful, understand that some business secrets will help get you there.

Every day, week, and month, ensure you have something written down for what you need to do. 

This helps keep you on track with your work so you don't lose sight of what you're doing or why it matters.

Have a good team around the office who can help with tasks such as customer service calls or answering emails from customers.

Join the Profit Blueprint Live Workshop

Profit Blueprint Live Workshop (How To Make Profit Starting a Business)

What if I told you a tested and proven method that can help you become an online business owner and make a career for yourself? 

A method where you don't have to be a technical guru or know anything about Article Marketing, PLR Articles, PBNs, SEO, or any other skills needed to succeed in the field of Internet Marketing.

If you are at a point where you have an idea of your niche, you have a niche website up and running, but you aren't getting any results from your hard work, then this workshop is for you.

The Profit Blueprint Workshop can get you started on building a successful online business.


The best part about running your own business is that you get to decide how it will work. You don't have to follow anyone else's rules, so why not try some of these tips? They may not work for everyone, but they might give you some ideas on making things better for yourself.
