14 Conversion-Boosting Examples From The Highest Converting Websites

The internet is a big place. However, it's full of boring websites. A boring website means a boring user experience, which means fewer conversions. If you're like most people, then you probably don't have unlimited funds to hire the best web developers in the world. 

Even if you did, however, it wouldn't be worth your money unless you know exactly how to use them for maximum effect. Luckily for us, companies like HubSpot and Conversion Rate Experts exist so ordinary businesspeople like us can learn from their successes. Here are some of the best examples they've found so far.

1. Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility. Testimonials are also a great way to build your authority. 

The best testimonials are from people who have used your product or service, but you can use experts in your industry.

Testimonials come in many forms — a quote by an expert, a written testimonial, or even just an image of people experiencing the product (with their permission). 

You can use these anywhere on your site where you need some extra convincing that this is the right thing for them to do.

2. Trust Badges

Trust badges are a way to show your credibility, authority, and legitimacy.

Trust badges can be a seal of approval from an independent third party. 

For example, the Better Business Bureau or the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) can give you a badge if you pass their standards for security and privacy.

Trust badges can also be testimonials from someone you have worked with. 

It could be an endorsement from an influencer who has endorsed your product or service previously, or it could simply be someone who was satisfied with your services and decided to leave feedback on their experience with you.

If trust badges are your thing, consider linking them prominently on your homepage so that visitors see them immediately upon landing.

3. Specific Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from customers, employees, or partners are an important part of any website. They can be very powerful in helping convince a visitor to purchase your product or service. 

These types of testimonials should be specific and authentic to increase conversion rates. 

You need to show the actual person who gave the testimonial and their full name because this builds trust with visitors showing proof that real people have used your product or service and found success from doing so.

4. Good Copy-Writing Skills

Copywriting is a skill you can learn but it’s also an art. No matter what you do or how many courses you take on copywriting skills, without proper practice and experience, it will be hard to master this art.

If you want to become a good copy-writer with good conversion rates, here are some tips:

  • Before writing your content strategy, create a blueprint for your site based on the target audience and their pain points. Then decide which sales funnel you want to use and how much time you will need to move from one phase of the funnel into another one. 

  • Set up an editorial calendar that includes all necessary information, such as deadlines for each piece of content (when it will go live), who needs to approve it before publishing etcetera. The more organized things are from the beginning, the less stress there will be later.

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5. Explain Your Offer In Simple Terms

Your offer should be clear and concise. This means explaining your product or service in simple terms that customers can understand. 

Explain how it will benefit them and why they should buy from you rather than a competitor.

For example, if you run an e-commerce store that sells running shoes, don't just say We Sell Running Shoes. 

Tell the customer what makes these running shoes different from all other ones available on the market, such as — Our running shoes are lightweight and made with high-quality materials, so they last longer than other brands.

6. Be Specific About What You Want Your Customers To Do

The next step is to ensure your customers know what they should do next. You’re trying to get them from point A (your website) to point B (a conversion), so there are two main ways you can do this:

  • Be specific about what you want your customers to do. For example, if someone has visited your site and is interested in making a purchase, you may want them to call a number or fill out an application form.

  • Make it easy for customers to navigate your site by adding navigation bars at the top, bottom, and sides of each page. This will help visitors find the information they need and quickly move through the pages on your site if necessary.

7. Make It Easy For Your Customers to Navigate Your Site

This is the simplest thing you can do to improve your conversion rate. Customers are much more likely to convert when they find what they're looking for quickly and easily.

A clear way for customers on your site to navigate back to the homepage will make them feel safe and secure in their decision-making process. 

It also helps if you have multiple ways of navigating back (like a button or link) because not all visitors will use the same browser options or have access to all available navigation options.

8. Use Case Studies To Prove Results

Case studies are a great way to prove your value, especially if you're just starting or need to convince new customers that they should work with you. You can case studies in many ways:

  • To showcase a success story.
  • To explain how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.
  • To generate leads for more sales opportunities.

9. Profiles Of People Who Have Used Your Services Or Products

Testimonial profiles are a great way to show people that your product or service works. 

The profiles should be from customers, people who have used your product or service and it worked for them, celebrities, and famous people in different fields of life. 

Regular people can share their experience with other users (that can also help you spread the word about the website).

10. Highlight The Benefits Of Using Your Product Or Service

As we've said before, it's all about the benefits. When you're crafting your landing page content and copy, focus on what your customer wants — the benefits of using your product or service. 

Talk about how their lives will be better with your solution to a problem — not just that it does something cool or unique.

Here are some examples of how to highlight the benefits of using your product or service in place of features:

  • Instead of saying Our product is more efficient than our competitors say, Your time is valuable, and explain how this allows you to save time on manual processes.

  • Instead of saying Our software has a feature that helps you send emails, say You can schedule email campaigns. This way you're talking about what matters most to your customers — being able to market effectively.

11. Include A Brand Reputation Signal On Your Landing Page

A brand reputation signal is any statement that helps your visitors trust you and your business.

This can be a testimonial, an endorsement, or any other proof that you are trustworthy. 

Having some brand reputation signal on your landing page will help create trust with new visitors and increase conversions, which is why it's important to include one when designing the layout for your landing page.

A brand reputation signal reassures people about purchasing from you or visiting your website. 

These signals range from customer reviews to celebrity endorsements or even a logo badge (like those used by Starbucks). 

Companies use them across many industries to show customers they're verified and trustworthy.

12. Talk About Why You Started The Business 

People are attracted to businesses that are authentic and trustworthy. To build trust, you need to be transparent about your business and how it came about.

Explain why you started the business in the first place, and make sure your story resonates with your audience. 

This will help build rapport with them and make them feel like they’re part of something bigger than just buying a product or service from you — it’ll also reinforce their decision to do business with you because other people have already made that choice.

Showcase what makes your products or services unique by telling stories about what sets them apart from competitors, so customers can understand why they should purchase from your company instead of someone else’s.

13. Provide A Money Back Guarantee

Money-back guarantees are small but powerful. When you provide a money-back guarantee, customers know they can get their money back if they don’t like your product. 

This is an excellent way to build trust with your customers and help them feel confident about buying from you.

To make the most out of this tactic, we recommend including some time limit on the offer or limiting it to certain products (e.g., only offering 30-day returns on electronics).

14. Social Proof Is a Very Effective Way of Building Trust

Nowadays, there is so much noise on the internet. Everyone is trying to win your attention. 

Social proof can be in the form of testimonials, case studies, or reviews. It's more effective when it's from people who are your target customer. 

You'll notice that most websites use social proof in one way or another. Reviews on product pages help convince visitors that the product works well for other people, so they might as well try it out themselves.


This sounds simple, but it’s not common practice. Many business owners and developers believe they should carefully consider aspects of a website before it goes live. But you need to consider customers first and foremost, no matter how much time you spend on other things, such as design or functionality. If you can get this right (and have an amazing product or service), your conversion rate optimization (CRO) will increase.

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